Cargo Engine Comparison

The following values are for the fully upgraded cargo engines. The Pollux values are for the fully upgraded version at the end of the era.  All bonus engines are not available in every scenario.


EngineSlotsReliabilityAccelerationSpeedTractive Force
Swallow170%18/2060 km/h2
Raven160%5/2065 km/h 3
Rhinoceros150%14/20 140 km/h 2
Donkey140%2/20 60 km/h 4
Falcon170%3/20 160 km/h 3
Mole190%4/20 70 km/h 4
Red Kite (Bonus)0100%10/20 120 km/h 4
Primus (Bonus)095%13/20 90 km/h 3
Pollux (Bonus)030%4/2080 km/h 4
Magnus (Bonus)0100%10/2090 km/h3
Ice-Breaker / Freshmaker (Bonus)095%13/2090 km/h3
Le Train (Bonus)070%1/250 km/h6

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