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Era 6 Cargo Engines

The sixth Era has 7 cargo engines, with one being a bonus engine.

You can open new engines by using research points generated by the Laboratory building within your Train Station.  Only when you've researched the required pre-requisites, can you begin to develop the next engine.  At the end of each era, a coupling system is available, allowing engines to transport goods from the next era.

If you want to compare all the engines, have a look at our Cargo Engine Comparison article.

Note: No passenger engines are available to research on the American Dream scenario.

Ogre Phoenix Pegasus Lindworm Hydra Olympus Valkyrie

Research Cost: 75 Research Points

                                        Starting Stats:

        • Cost: $1,400,000    • Tractive force: 12    • Reliability: 30%

            • Acceleration: 01 /20    • Max. Speed: 65 km/h

You can research & buy these upgrades:

UpgradeResearch PointsUpgrade Cost
+10% Reliability I12
+10% Reliability II
+3 Tractive force I25
+2 Tractive force II
+ 15 km/h Max. speed35

• The Reliability upgrades lead to one of the next Cargo Trains : The Phoenix

• The Tractive force upgrades lead to one of the next Cargo Trains: The Pegasus

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