Workers & Auctions

When Associations work together, they can hire workers that give each member a bonus lasting 24 hours.  These benefits can range from boosting the speed of your engines, reducing the cost of building station levels, more prestige, and many more.  

A random worker will be available to bid for through an auction that can be found on your Association’s panel.  Each hour a new auction will begin giving Associations the chance to gain benefits for their team.  However, there are no auctions during the end game or for 48 hours before it starts.

The Association with the highest bid at the end of the auction is the one that will get the benefits of the worker.  Do watch out for other Associations that bid in the last few seconds!  Should you lose the auction the cash amount that each Avatar bid will be returned to their bank.

A worker can only be bid on if you do not own one of that type already, or you only have use of its benefits for less than 24 hours.  Should your Association already have a worker of that type for 24 hours or more, you will be prevented from bidding on a new auction for that same type of worker. 

When your Association Headquarters is at Level 1, one worker can be hired for free, whereas a maximum of three are available at Level 3.  if your headquarters is either Level 1 or 2, you can open a worker slot with 50 gold.  The gold only opens the slot once and when the worker that occupies it expires you will either need a Headquarters of the right level, or to spend 50 gold to use that slot again.  

Each Era's Workers:

Era 1 Era 2 Era 3 Era 4 Era 5 Era 6
Robert StephensonEngine Speed +10 km/h
James WattEngine Upgrades 30% cheaper
Galileo Galilei+5 prestige per hour
Matthew BoultonStation upgrade cost -25%
Ishmbard BrunelServicing cost -50%
Guido BresciusRails 30% Cheaper
George WashingtonPrestige for city deliveries +50%
Richard TrevithickStation upgrades 30% faster
Leonardo da VinciStation building bonuses 35% faster
John D. Rockefeller+$5,000 per hour
John HarrisonWaiting times -25%
Adam SmithInvestments 20% cheaper
Friedrich SchillerResearch point every 4 hours
George M. PullmannPassenger profits +40%
Fiorello LaGuardiaCity connection cost -30%
Paul Camille DenisWagon cost -25%
Johann August SutterCost of premium features -25% (excludes Plus Account)
Pierre de CoubertinCompetition bonus money and prestige +50%
Isaac NewtonAcceleration +100%
Henry Ford +50% prestige for deliveries to industries/warehouses/harbours
Richard ArkwrightGoods bonus: Thread/Cotton +20%
Christoph KolumbusGoods bonus: Grain/Cattle +20%
Henry BessemerGoods bonus: Coal/Iron +20%
August BorsigGoods bonus: Iron +20%
Johannes GutenbergGoods bonus: Wood/Boards +20%
Henry CortGoods bonus: Leather +40%
Thomas Edward LawrenceGoods bonus: Grain/Camels +20% (Orient Express scenario only)
CleopatraGoods bonus: Clay +40% (Destination Africa scenario only)

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