Association Chair

Every Association has an Avatar that serves as its Chair.  They have various powers including accepting or declining applicants, promoting members to Deputy, or dismissing members from the team.  They can also change the Association’s home city, add a description to the profile, and change the identifying crest.

Replacing a Chair

Should a Chair wish to step down and allow another member to replace them this can be done by selecting the promote option from the profile of their replacement.  The former Chair will have the Deputy role once the new member has been promoted to the Chair position.  The new Chair can demote them further to a regular member or remove them from the Association if desired.

An Inactive Chair

If the Chair is inactive for 7 days or more it is possible to demote them.  It is impossible to demote them until they have been inactive for at least 7 days. 

Any Deputy within the Association can demote the Chair by clicking on the demote option from within the inactive Chair’s profile.  Should your Association have no Deputies, or they've been inactive for 7 days, a member can also demote the Chair.  However, any Avatar within the Association's Newbie position will not be able to.

Customer Service can also assist you once your Association chair has been inactive for at least 7 days.

The new chair position will be taken by the individual who demoted them.

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