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Mentoring Program

Rail Nation’s Mentoring Program connects experienced players with newcomers, offering guidance and support to enhance the game experience.

How It Works

  • Mentors (Career Level 10+) can opt in to help new players.

  • Students (Career Level 1) join automatically after upgrading their engine house to level 4 and remain until they finish the tutorial or reach Career Level 2.

  • Mentors can assist up to 3 students at a time, with a limit of 10 students per game round.

  • Communication is via in-game messages, with special icons identifying mentors and students.

Requirements & Rules

  • Active Mentors: Must log in at least every 3 days (sitter logins excluded).

  • Quality Control: Inactive or poorly rated mentors may be removed.

  • Voluntary Program: Both mentors and students can opt out at any time.

Why Join?

  • New players get expert guidance. 
  • Mentors can support the community. 
  • Builds a stronger player base.

Be part of the Mentoring Program and grow together!

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