Get ready to experience something truly special as Rail Nation introduces a brand-new event scenario – Perfect Paradise: Island Rivalry. This exciting new adventure takes place on a stunning Caribbean-themed map, where four islands set the stage for one of the most balanced and strategic competitions in Rail Nation history.
Let’s see what makes this scenario so unique, and why it’s the ultimate showdown of the year.
A fair and balanced competition
If fairness is your thing, the Perfect Paradise scenario is for you.
The scenario is designed to give everyone a fair shot at victory. Each of the four islands have six cities, with an identical setup: the same distances between cities and industries, the same industry placement, and the same opportunities for every player. The islands cannot be connected to each other, making this the most balanced map we’ve ever created, ensuring equal chances for all participants, no matter which island you call home.
In the endgame, the best city of each island will compete head-to-head with the top city from the other islands. It’s a showdown that will put your teamwork and strategy to the test.
Familiar game mechanics, smaller map, bigger competition
Perfect Paradise: Island Rivalry marks the first-ever scenario built upon key mechanics from the popular Steam over Europe scenario. It introduces new layers of complexity and strategy, challenging players to collaborate as an island to climb to the top, while also managing unique chains of goods with a total of 48 mixed goods from all scenarios, and dealing with the strategic challenges of isolated island gameplay.
With its smaller map size, Perfect Paradise will have a registration limit of 2,000 players per game world. But fear not, we are launching more game worlds than usual, including both 1x and 2x speed worlds, ensuring there’s a game world suited to your pace, whether you prefer a laid-back experience or a fast-paced challenge!
Feature Set
Welcome to the feature set of our newest Event Scenario: Perfect Paradise!
Perfect Paradise is the first Event Scenario to use features from Steam over Europe, making it unique to anything you have ever played on Rail Nation.
Stranded on one of the Islands, team play is vital to succeed in this Scenario and grab amazing Career Point rewards.
Let’s dive right into the features and important details you need to know about this one-of-a-kind Event Scenario.
Regions and Cities
The map is made up of 4 islands, each a host to 6 cities.
Each island symbolizes one region.
By selecting a hometown, you are also selecting an island. Meaning, you are not only playing for your city, but also for your entire island.
Each island and all cities have the exact same distances to all their industries, making this the most balanced map ever. In essence, this means there are no pros or cons, depending on which island or home city you choose to join, when it comes to industries location and distances to the city.
It is NOT possible to switch islands, as there are no special tracks connecting them.
Island/City Features
For the very first time, an event scenario has the feature: Regions!
Each Island/Region competes against each other in the island ranking and is governed by a president while each city is governed by a mayor. Additionally, dynamic harbors enhance your strategic possibilities.
The President feature works, in essence, the same as it does on Steam over Europe, with the small adjustment that each president can have 12 cabinet members, instead of 10. This small change makes it possible to have 2 cabinet members per city, if you like.
Need a refresher on how the President Feature works? No Problem:
The president governs the entire island together with his cabinet.
How to become President: You can only run for president on your own island. You can throw your hat in the running for president of your island at any time and even write a campaign slogan. Elections take place every day, meaning you can be reelected or removed as president every day. Every player can place a vote for their favourite candidate and the vote will remain the same every day until you actively change your vote for someone else.
Cabinet: The president can choose up to 12 cabinet members who help make important decisions for the island and its cities. Cabinet members have the same rights as the president and can therefore act even when the president is unavailable. The only thing cabinet members cannot do is elect or remove other cabinet members.
Harbor: The president and the cabinet members can decide and setup what gets imported into the islands harbor. The president can change this anytime, while cabinet members can only change this every 15 minutes.
Lower consumption: The president and the cabinet members can decide which city on the island can have a lower consumption of required goods by 10%. Only one city can have that feature active. The president can change this anytime, while cabinet members can only change this every 15 minutes.
Pro-tip: Having seasoned Rail Nation players in these roles and following their orders can greatly benefit the outcome of your island ranking!
Similar to each region being able to elect a president to govern the island, each city can elect a mayor to govern the city.
Need a refresher on how the Mayor Feature works? No Problem:
The mayor governs the city together with his city council.
How to become mayor: You can only run for mayor in your home city. You can throw your hat in the running for mayor of your home city at any time and even write a campaign slogan. Elections take place every day, meaning you can be reelected or removed as mayor every day. Every player can place a vote for their favourite candidate and the vote will remain the same every day until you actively change your vote for someone else.
City Council: The mayor can choose up to 5 city council members who will help make important decisions for the city. Council members have the same rights as the mayor and can therefore act even when the mayor is unavailable. The only thing council members cannot do, is elect or remove other council members.
Supported City Good: The mayor can select one needed good as a supported city good, to which the selected good will have a 10% less consumption rate. This will also be indicated with an icon next to the good so everyone can see it. The mayor can change this anytime, while council members can only change this every 15 minutes.
Select next City Good: Before the city levels up, the mayor can decide, from a list of goods, which will be the next good to deliver to the city after level up. If no selection was made, the next good will be picked at random. The mayor can change this anytime, while council members can only change this every 15 minutes.
Preferred Competition Good: The mayor can set a preferred competition good for competitions held in that specific city. The selected good will then have a greater probability of being the requested good in the next competitions. The selection will only be available for future competitions which have not been generated yet. Competitions already visible in the overview of upcoming competitions, are not affected by new preferred competition good selections. There is a 50% chance that a competition will get the selected preferred good. The mayor can change this anytime, while council members can only change this every 15 minutes.
Pro-tip: Having seasoned Rail Nation players in these roles and following their orders can greatly benefit the outcome of your island ranking!
Each island has its own harbor right at the heart of the island. Each city on the island has the same distance to the island.
Each harbor is related to one city only, in case there are city bonuses that affect the harbor, only the bonuses from the related city will count.
Different than on Steam over Europe, where the maximum is 5%, the cargo ship on Perfect Paradise can transport up to 10% of the storage’s capacity. As the harbor level’s up, the ship’s capacity increases.
Need a refresher on how the Harbor Feature works? No Problem:
Harbor: Each island has one harbor, which is connected to the harbors of the other three islands.
There are 6 cargo ships, one for each harbor connection.
Cargo Ship: With the cargo ship, you can transport goods from other harbors to your own. Which goods you can deliver depend on what goods are available in the other harbors, and on which good the president or his cabinet members have set for import.
Cargo Ship Capacity: Cargo ships have a maximum capacity of 10% scaling off the capacity of the harbor with the lower level.
If you notice a cargo ship importing less than its maximum capacity, the reason will be that there were not enough goods to import from a different harbor.
Basically, the harbor works like the stock of required goods inside a normal factory.
Island Ranking
There is a ranking for the islands, where you can gather points for your island by doing different things.
You get:
- 500 points for leveling up any city on your island.
- 400 points for each endgame good which was fully delivered during endgame.
- 10’000 points if your city wins the endgame
- 5’000 points if your city comes in second during endgame
- 2’500 points if your city comes in third during endgame
Based on how your island ranks after the endgame is over, there will be a prestige bonus for every player.
All players of an island will receive the following prestige bonus according to their island ranking:
- 1st place: 40’000 Prestige Points
- 2nd Place: 20’000 Prestige Points
- 3rd Place: 10’000 Prestige Points
Pro-tip: Working as a team and listening to your president, mayor, and their council members will give you the biggest chance of success!
Endgame Conditions
The big showdown, as you all know, takes place during the endgame.
This endgame will embody Island Rivalry perfectly.
In this special event scenario, the endgame will be fought out by the highest-ranking city of each island.
That’s right, each island will be participating in the endgame, which is why it is so important that each island plays together as a solid team!
You can only have one city from your island participate in the endgame, and the only city that will be qualified for the endgame, is the city ranked highest on your island.
Even if you have 3 cities on your island that are ranked 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in the overall city ranking, only the city ranked 1st will be qualified for the endgame.
If the highest-ranking city of your island is ranked 12th , in the overall city ranking, then it is still qualified for the endgame.
Your entire island will then work towards the qualified city during the endgame.
Pro-tip: It is smart to connect to all cities on your island before the endgame starts.
New Goods Chains
There will be a total of 48 goods available, which are made up of a mix of existing goods from different scenarios.
There are more processed goods and less raw materials available, which will lead to more complex and challenging supply chains.
List of Goods:
Era 1 (City Level 1-8)
- Level 1: Coal, Grain, Wood
- Level 2: Boards
- Level 3: Iron Ore, Cattle
- Level 5: Water
- Level 6: Iron, Flour
- Level 8: Cotton
Era 2 (City Level 9-16)
- Level 9: Paper
- Level 10: Leather, Quartz
- Level 12: Hardware, Sugar Cane
- Level 14: Thread, Beer
- Level 16: Milk
Era 3 (City Level 17-22)
- Level 17: Steel, Glass, Oil
- Level 20: Shoes, Sugar
- Level 22: Cloth, Bread, Silicon
Era 4 (City Level 25-31)
- Level 25: Meat, Chemicals
- Level 27: Sheet Metal, Cocoa Beans
- Level 29: Plastics, Ship
- Level 31: Stainless Steel, Cheese
Era 5 (City Level 33-40)
- Level 33: Clothing, Fish
- Level 35: Chocolate, Paint
- Level 37: Burger, Electronics, Wristwatch
- Level 40: Gasoline
Era 6 (City Level 41-45)
- Level 41: Toys, Sports Goods, Cake
- Level 44: Household Supplies
- Level 45: Cars, Mobile Phones
New Overcrowding Rules
The overcrowding rules have been adjusted to ensure islands don’t get overcrowded too fast during preregistration or the start of the game worlds.
Usually, the overcrowding rule works as follows:
Once a Region has more than 10 players more than average of all regions, and more than 5%, you can no longer register in that region. Once more players have registered in other regions and the numbers even out again, it is also possible again to register in the region which was previously closed due to overcrowding.
On Perfect Paradise the overcrowding rules have been adjusted to 25 players and 5% more, allowing for more players to register on an island before it gets overcrowded.
Pro-tip: If you can’t register on the island you want to join, due to overcrowding, give it a bit of time and try again later.
Of course, a new event scenario would not be complete without some new achievements for you to gather up.
And boy is it worth it this time, as you can grab the highest Career Point rewards ever. We took the Career Point achievement rewards from Destination Africa… and doubled them!
Check them out yourself:
- At 25,000 Prestige, players receive 50 Career Points, bringing their total to 50.
- At 50,000 Prestige, they receive another 50 Career Points, reaching 100.
- At 100,000 Prestige, they gain 100 Career Points, totaling 200.
- At 200,000 Prestige, they earn 200 Career Points, making it 400 in total.
- At 300,000 Prestige, another 200 Career Points are added, increasing the total to 600.
- At 400,000 Prestige, they receive 200 Career Points, reaching 800.
- At 500,000 Prestige, another 200 Career Points are awarded, bringing the total to 1,000.
- At 750,000 Prestige, players earn 500 Career Points, accumulating 1,500 in total.
- At 1,000,000 Prestige, they receive 500 Career Points, reaching a total of 2,000.
Bonus Train
Of course a new event scenario would not feel quite complete without a special bonus engine and new production series: The Paradise Train
This time we chose Ares to be our beautiful model.
This bonus engine and production series was based on the OSE class A-221 with this colouring.
The Paradise Bonus Train and Production Series (Skin) will be available for purchase in special Perfect Paradise bundles, including other practical items.