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RN 2024.4.10 Changelog (26 July 2024)

Bugfixes and Improvements

  • RN-22196 PREREGISTRATION (SoE/AD): Fixed an issue where it was not possible to see if a selected city was already overcrowded. No more blind city-hopping.
  • RN-23211 MUSEUM: BONUS ENGINES: Added the option to exclude Bonus Engines from the multi selection when moving multiple trains into the Museum. Exclusion is never nice, but sometimes you must.
  • RN-14606 WORKER: AUCTION: Fixed an issue where the notification for the end of an auction would pop up multiple times. We are sure the auctioneer just meant well, but we did tell him to stop spamming.
  • RN-10459 ASSOCIATION: WORKER: Fixed an issue where the sum bid by associations was so large that it would go into minus (and then back into plus again if they managed to bid double that amount). The auctioneer is super happy to inform you that he has received a larger cash register – and its bright pink!
  • RN-14575 SOE: PRESIDENT: Fixed an issue where the countdown for setting a new Landmark was displayed wrong. The Countdown will do its job now and count down.
  • RN-15323 SCHEDULE: Fixed an issue where the icons of factories were displayed wrong in the schedule overview. After a tricky game of ‘memory’ all should be matching again.
  • RN-18381 SCHEDULE: CALCULATOR: Fixed an issue where the calculator did not match up with the actual turnover. Come on calculator, you literally had one job.
  • RN-16218 CITY: SCHEDULE: Fixed an issue where the schedule assistant did not list the trains in alphabetical order. Singing the ‘ABC’-song seemed to help.
  • RN-13650 WAREHOUSE: SCHEDULE: Fixed an issue where the waiting time in the schedule assistant did not match up with the waiting time in the warehouse. It is now N*SYNC.
  • RN-12128 SITTER: SCHEDULE: Fixed an issue where you would get an error when trying to save or delete a schedule as a sitter. Save, Delete, do nothing at all – it all works now!
  • RN-23175 SITTER MODE: Fixed an issue where when you would sit your friend, the start view was set to your hometown, instead of your friend’s hometown, resulting in trains being bought to end up in your own hometown, instead of the friend’s you were sitting for. If the friend you were sitting did not have your own hometown connected, this issue would also cause you to not be able to set schedules for the trains you bought, since they were technically stuck in an unconnected city. We bought the sitter mode a pair of new glasses and now that it can see better, it will also know in which city it needs to drop off the trains.
  • RN-14476 TRACKS: Fixed an issue where, during track construction, the wrong amount of gold was displayed for an Instant Upgrade while the ‘quicker track construction’ power bonus was also active. Everything’s golden now.
  • RN-23309 SUPER STARTER PACKAGE: Fixed an issue where the Super Starter Package could not be purchased upon game world round start and would throw an error. It was so used to only being bought on game world round ends, it got all confused.
  • RN-23339 + 23340 SUPER STARTER PACKAGE: Corrected some texts that had to do with the newbie bonus and fixed an issue where you would get too many newbie bonus days upon purchasing the Super Starter Package at a game world round start. You are all Pros’ anyway.
  • RN-23342 SUPER STARTER PACKAGE: Fixed an issue where the Super Starter Package would falsely display ‘Laboratory Level 2’, instead of ‘Laboratory Level +1’. Can’t make too large jumps here ?
  • RN-23341 FULL STEAM BOX: Fixed an issue where the gold you would receive was unintentionally displayed twice. Apparently, the Red Kite was getting a bit greedy.


  • RN-22192 MOBILE: BONUS PACKAGES: Fixed an issue where the app would crash when trying to redeem a bonus or reward code containing a ‘Fill up Bank’-voucher. The mobile app will no longer try to prevent you from getting rich.
  • RN-16934 MOBILE: LICENCE AUCTION: Fixed an issue where the app could crash when trying to switch from a current license auction to an upcoming license auction, while having a slow internet connection. Snail-internet can stay.
  • RN-16935 MOBILE: LICENCE: Fixed an issue where the App could crash when the license auction was loading, and the app started a resource update event. (bad app!!)
  • RN-14546 MOBILE: MINIMAP: Fixed an issue where the app could crash when trying to reload the app while having the mini map open. The mini map promised to behave from now on.
  • RN-17563 MOBILE: PORTRAIT: CITY PROJECT: Fixed an issue where sometimes an empty reward screen would appear after donating. Don’t worry, donating was always worth it, even if you could not see the rewards.
  • RN-4640 MOBILE: Fixed an issue where the login-screen would be in English instead of your set device language. While we know learning new languages can be fun, we think there are better ways to do that.
  • RN-14528 MOBILE: Fixed an issue where the ‘Forgot Password’ functionality could create an error. You may now safely forget your password whenever you like ?
  • RN-4758 MOBILE: IOS: Fixed an issue where it was not possible to extend your plus account via the event page. You can ‘plus’ your account again!

These issues where fixed during the month already, but are technically part of Rails&Repairs:

  • RN-16961 MESSENGER: Fixed an issue where the pagination would disappear if ‘centered windows’ was turned off. Paginate away!
  • RN-18643 CAREER ENGINE: Fixed an issue where there were wrong limits displayed as a red text after era 3. We got our own red marker and corrected this immediately.
  • RN-19581 TRAINLIST: SORTING: Fixed an issue where the train list sorting would not work correctly for the career engine. We don’t exclude anyone, little career engine <3.

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