Licence Trade & Licences

The Licence Trade building determines how many licences you can own and use at one time up to a maximum of 6.  Owning licenses increases your income for that good by an amount per tonne when delivered to any location.  

The period that a licence is valid depends upon the speed of the world.  On a x1 speed world it is valid for 48 hours, on x2 for 24 hours and on x4 12 hours.  After this, a new licence must be obtained to continue to get the additional cash bonus for that good.

Construction Auctions Soon Owned

The upgrade time can be reduced by upgrading your Construction Yard.  On x2 speed worlds the upgrade time is reduced to 50% and on x4 worlds to 25%.  

LevelUpgrade CostUpgrade Time (x1)  h:m:sPrestigeMaximum owned licences

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